2008 News Archive |
12/02/08 - Two new records and a holiday sale!
Times are tough all around, but we're hanging in there and hope you're all
doing the same. With that said, we've got two new records for ya!
up and long overdue, the latest and greatest from Evansville, Kentucky's Be
My Doppelganger, Sonic Annihilation! These four tracks make up what is
definitely one of the best 7"s we've put out to date. Few bands over the
years have gotten me as excited as Be My Doppelganger. They bring the hooks
and the hits like few others out there can. They've been kicking around in
the underground for a few years now and we hope to introduce a lot of new
fans to the band with this release. If you dig it, and I am sure you will,
be sure to pick up a few of their earlier releases available in the distro
section of our store page before they're long gone. We've had the masters
for this bad boy for quite a while now and I couldn't be happier to see this
release finally coming together.
next we've got the second release from Cincinnati, Ohio's drunkest, The
Dopamines pairing up with their buddies Till Plains on their debut release.
We see The Dopamines as one of the young bands leading the way for the
newest generation of pop punkers in the little scene we call home. They do
it better than just about any of their contemporaries and even better than
many that have come before them. On the flipside we've got something totally
different than anything we've released thus far. Till Plains bring it with a
style of dissonance and intensity that's new to It's Alive. We're more than
happy to have them on board to open us up to a wider style of underground
punk rock music and to have been part of their very first release. This 7"s
is a split with a new little label called Soapy Hand Records. We expect
great things from our good buddy Nick Toerner and his upstart label. Keep an
eye on them!
Check out these myspace pages for song samples:
It's Alive Records,
Hand Records,
Be My Doppelganger,
The Dopamines,
Till Plains
Tons of new stuff has been added to the distro! We've got every release
still in print from Tampa, Florida's Kiss Of Death Records, a handful of
choice cuts from Finland's Killer Records, and a few restocks from our buddy
Timbo over at Mutant Pop Records. There are new records being added to the
distro weekly, keep an eye on it!
For the months of December and January all of our t-shirts will be on sale
for $7.00 (regularly $10.00) and all of our zipper hoodies for $20.00
(regularly $25.00). If you're looking to get someone some sweet new gear for
Christmas now's the time. Or if you find yourself with some spending cash
after the holidays, come back before the end of January and spread the love.
From us to you, happy holidays! We'll be back early next year with more
records for your eager ears!
10/10/08 - Distro A Go Go!
In an effort to spread great records from near and far reaches of the world
we do lots of record trading with other labels and bands to sell in our distro section of the store page. No, it is not a pretty display, but it
gets the job done! We keep it updated near daily with new additions. It's
easy to lose sight or just not even see the great additions within the
current format, but hey, it's like digging for records in record stores -
you gotta work for it!
We've always got something new and great being added, but it can be hard to
keep up with. So we'll be posting here every now and then when there are new
records we think deserve a little extra special mention.
Mutant Pop Records was one of, if not thee biggest inspiration for starting
It's Alive Records. Timbo called it quits a time or two over the past ten
years. Every time he stopped it sucked, but made for an awesome re-start! MP
was gone for a few years this past time and it looked like Timbo was done
for good... but here we are seeing the second, third or fourth comeback! We
couldn't be happier. It looks like he's going all in too. This past month
has produced six new Mutant Pop releases! We've got 'em all in our distro.
Pig out!
The Catalogs s/t 7", The Connie Dungs I Hate This Town 7", Dillinger Four
More Songs About Girlfriends And Bubblegum 7", The Impulse International
Saturday Suzie 7", The Loblaws Won't Stop! 7", The Peabodys The Future Will
Kill You dbl 7"
And here are a few other additions you should check out:
Blotto / Ringers split 7" - Snuffy Smiles can't lose! We've always got their
newest releases
Kepi Ghoulie & Jerry Hormone The Lives And Loves 7" - Stardumb Records
V/A Living Dead Special 7" - great first release from a promising Spanish
pop punk label featuring tracks by The Connie Dungs, The Ritides, No Picky
and F.A.N.T.A.
Dead Mechanical Medium Noise 12" - Great album, thick vinyl,
excellent packaging
The Popsters Our Bites Bring You Back CD - Awesome new album by a fantastic
Italian band
The Riverdales Phase 3 CD - remixed, remastered, five new tracks,
it's like a whole new record!
09/30/08 - The Copyrights records, tour and more...
Copyrights Make Sound LP 2nd pressing has arrived! If you're in need of
refresher, the first pressing of green and black vinyl sold out in just
under 2 weeks. We wanted this 2nd pressing to be on grey vinyl, but
apparently there's no white vinyl to be found in Nashville to make the grey
mix. We had to setlle for clear vinyl for half of the copies and black for
the rest. For you completist collector nerds out there (we love each and
everyone of you), you can tell which pressing is which by looking at the
address info on the back of jacket. Just like we did with the Chinese
Telephones s/t LP, the address is printed in a different color than it was
the first time around.
The ridiculous (-ly awesome!) We Didn't Come Here To Die picture disc LP's
should be ready to go in less than 2 months. This coming year will also see the
long overdue 2nd pressing of Mutiny Pop.
The Copyrights are on their first Eurpean this next month with the always
awesome Zatopeks. Be sure to check out their myspace pages
here and
here for
tour dates. Both bands really deliver at their live shows. If you're
anywhere near the tour route, don't miss it!
We've got a list of the next 9 releases we plan to put out. If all goes
according to plan, this is going to be a great year for It's Alive. We'll do
our best to keep you posted here and on
our myspace page.
08/25/08 - New Records, New News!
Hey folks! For anyone out there keeping track, our past five release have
been full lengths either on 12" only or 12" and compact disc. If you were
wondering if the days of 7" records coming out every few months were over,
stop wondering - we've got a couple more ready to go right now.
First up we've got the second 7" by Canada's finest,
The Varsity Weirdos.
Much like their first 7", the second is loaded with all the pop and hooks
that made their first so damn great. In addition to the old tricks, the
all-down-strokers added a few new ingredients to the mix - a third lead
vocalist and a hard-rockin' political jam. In the world of Ramones inspired
pop punk music you are guaranteed to be inundated by a shit-ton of horrible,
crappy bands. But if you've got enough love for the style to stick it out
through all the crap, you'll be rewarded with the awesome tunes by a handful
of great bands doing that Ramones thing right. The Varsity Weirdos are one
of these bands. They might not be breaking any ground with this release, but
they might break a few record players from all the repeat listens.
And with the new we bring the old, made new again! The crazy collectible
Gambling On Rock 7" with four variations of artwork and vinyl color is back...
with yet another cover art variation and two more vinyl colors! I am not
sure if I should be apologizing to all the vinyl collectors and completists
out there, or accepting thanks for providing them with another fix. The
first pressing sold out pretty fast and I don't imagine this one will hang
around too long either. Hopefully some of you out there who missed it the
first time will take advantage of its second pressing. After this one we're
done, I promise!
Speaking of crazy collectible releases. We're teaming up with our nutty
buddies over at
Insubordination Records to releases The Copyrights debut
album We Didn't Come Here To Die on 12" vinyl. But it doesn't end there...
This bad boy will be available with four different picture inserts - one for
each band member. Check out the picture discs
here. In addition to the crazy collectibility of the picture
discs, 100 people will have the chance to own 1 of 100 copies of the Chicago
Smasher 7". The only way to get a copy of the 7" is to pre-order the entire
set of 12"s. Insubordination is handling the pre-sale. To get in on the
action click on the link below. To find out more about the record, check out
this thread on the pop punk message board. You can email us as well if
you've got questions.
Click Here To Pre-Order The Entire Set!
We're always adding great new records to our distro lists on the store page.
Below are a few titles that deserve a lot of attention and you should
definitely consider adding to your shopping cart next time you place an
The Copyrights / The Methadones split CD - two great bands, twelve top-notch
The Mugwumps Banana Brain CD/LP - Austria's finest export, finally available
on CD!
Sugus Learn To Be A Mornard CD - maybe the best poppunk album to come of
Spain this decade.
The Apers / 20 Belows split 7" - two great bands, one great new label
Peabrain Records.
Be My Doppelganger Convertible Girls 7" - one of the best bands playing pop
punk today.
Connie Dungs I Hate This Town 7" - back in print after many years with a new
jacket on color vinyl.
Dillinger Four More Songs About Girlfriends & Bubblegum 7" (repress) - need
I say more?
Fear Of Lipstick EP II 7" - even better than their first 7" on IAR, this
record is fantastic!
06/15/08 - The Veterans and The Dopamines albums out now!
We're proud to announce the second and third full length albums to be
released on It's Alive Records.
first comes from the land of pretty women, pizza and pop punk masters. We're
talking about Italy! More importantly we're talking about Andrea Carreda,
front man of Italy's premier pop punk outfit The Manges! On The Veterans
debut album Andrea has put together a classic summertime soundtrack of beach
inspired tunes for all the pogo pop fanatics the world over. For this
mission he enlisted the help of friends from all over the world from bands
including Supermarket and The Popsters from Italy, Surfin' Lungs from The
UK, and The Leftovers from the USA. Sure, this style of pop has been around
for years and has been done many times before, but it's not often it is done
this well. The ten tracks on this debut album from The Veterans are as
catchy as they come.
second of our pair of full length albums comes from the land of beer, chili
and more beer. I guess that could be any number of cities in the mid west,
but we're talking about Cincinnati! We're talking about The Dopamines! Their
self-titled debut album,
which is also their first release ever, is all about growing up, getting
drunk, falling in love, falling down and getting back up again. The rock on
this record is a healthy mix of modern day pop punk with some mid 90's
Pennsylvania style power punk and a touch of that early 90's Epi-Fat sound;
all fueled by way too much alcohol! This band puts a ton of heart into what
they do and this album shows it. If The Dopamines don't get you movin',
you're probably already dead and just don't know it yet.
We hope these are just the first of many releases from both of these
great new bands. We feel lucky and honored to have been able to work with
both of them!
Check out tunes from both bands and all the most recent releases at our
myspace page. Both
bands, as well as every band we've ever released a record with can be found
in our top friends section. Head over to their pages for even more great
06/09/08 - First Things First
Things have been quite the rollercoaster ride around here these past few
months. Sorry for the lack of updates. Sometimes we get too busy with
putting out records and all that it entails to get the digital word properly
spread online. In addition to big happenings on the It's Alive front, we've
gone through some big changes in our personal lives - some good, some bad,
but mostly bad. But we're keeping it positive and hanging in there until
things turn around, which they have already started to.
The Steinways Unoriginal Recipe and The Peawees Walking The Walk all but
sold out all available copies within a week or two of us releasing them.
This is always awesome, but also kind of a tough thing to deal with as far
as promotion - you can't send out review copies or get them into
distros when there are none left! We're not complaining, mind you. Anyway,
we've got represses and restocks available now, so if you missed it the
first time (which wouldn't have been hard to do) now's your chance to get in
on the good stuff.
the whirlwind wake of the former two releases we released the vinyl version
of The Copyrights' third stellar album Make Sound. Much like The Copyrights'
first two albums, this one's another pop punk piece of gold. And much like our
last two releases before this, this one all but sold out all available
copies crazy fast upon its release. We didn't even get a chance to properly post about
it here
on this website before most of our copies were sold. The
pop punk message bored
crowd has a big appetite and huge stomach for this stuff, and apparently
it's growing! If you haven't picked up a copy of this album yet, act fast.
We have about 5 copies left in stock. And no, they're not green vinyl
copies! If you're looking to score the green vinyl version you might get
luck out at Interpunk. If they're
all gone over there, try ebay!
And now that we're just about caught up with ourselves, it's time for more
records! That's right. On June 16th we will release the debut album from The
Veterans as well as the debut album from The Dopamines. We'll have more info
to post about both albums within the week. In the meantime, head on over to
our myspace page to
check out a track from each band. Both bands are also listed in our top
friends list, so you should click on over to those pages too to hear more of
new tracks. Take our word for it - these are easily two of the best records we'll have put out to date.
Both album will be available on cd and lp, both will have limited edition
color vinyl copies, and both will be availlable in super packs (cd+lp+t-shirt).
If the past few releases are any indication of how fast the limited color
copies will go for these albums, I'd make a date with the F5 key for Monday
June 16th!
01/21/08 - Two more next week...
We've got two releases coming out next week. First up, The Steinways
Unoriginal Recipe 7". It's six new songs from pop punk's funnest (yeah,
it's not a word, so what) band around. We wanted to give everyone a heads-up
on this release because it is going to be released in a super pack similar
to that of the Chinese Telephones album. The super pack is officially a
Pizza Pack. The Pizza Pack is an actual pizza box stuffed with the
following: a pizza crust color vinyl 7", a thermo printed cd-r, an insert, a
poster, a standard 7" jacket, a magnet, a button and a t-shirt with the
cover art for the record silk screened on the front. The pizza pack will go
up on the site next Monday (01/28/08) and will ship the following week. We
felt the heads-up was necessary because they will be limited to 100 copies
and shirt sizes are limited. If you want one, be sure to order right away.
Once they're gone or your shirt size is gone, that's that!
On the same day we will be releasing The Peawees Walking The Walk on
12" vinyl. If you aren't already familiar with The Peawees check out their
myspace page and get ready
to rock n roll! They do the whole rock n roll soul, rockabilly, punk rock
thing better and different than any band out there. We've been huge fans for
many years and it's really awesome to be able to finally release a record
with them. We will be running a contest for this release. The main prize
being a copy of their debut album Where People Smile, which was
released long ago in Italy only and only on 12" vinyl. In the meantime we
are trying to stock up on copies of their second and third albums for our
distro as well as the import cd version of Walking The Walk.
So keep an eye out for the news update next Monday to get in all the action!
In the meantime, check out the It's Alive Records
myspace page for song
In other news, the Chinese Telephones s/t 12" is already sold out not two
months after its release! But fear not, if you missed it you'll have a
chance to get it again in a month or two. We placed a repress order for
another 500. This time, the first 200 on opaque blue vinyl. The jacket
artwork will have a very small difference than the first time so you'll be
able to differentiate 1st pressing black copies from 2nd pressing black
01/01/08 - Contests and OOP Records update
Interpunk just sent us the list of
winners for the Chinese Telephones contest they were running this past
month. The winners are below. Thanks and Congratulations! Your prize packs
are in the mail.
1st Place:
Timothy Peacock from Opp, Alabama
2nd Place:
Chris Chambers from Seattle, Washington
James Hansen from Newport Beach, California
Ashley VanTilborgh from Godfrey, Ontario, Canada
3rd Place:
Anita Yancey from Barnesville, Georgia
Alfredo Arraiza from Pamplona, Spain
Lonna Mahurin from Afton, Oklahoma
Martin Tangman from Erlanger, Kentucky
Erica Berumen from Santa Maria, California
Vinyl Collective is currently
running a contest for the Chinese Telephones album as well. They are
raffling off a copy of the 12" vinyl test pressing for the album. Only five
of them exist! If you want to be entered in the contest all you have to do
is buy the album from through their site.
The first pressing of Chinese Telephones s/t LP is just about sold out! We
have only about 10 copies left. A handful of mailorder distros still have
copies, so if you get here too late, try
No Idea,
Interpunk or
Littletype. I think Littletype might
even still have a copies on clear vinyl. The album will be repressed asap.
Hopefully we'll have another 500 copies in month or maybe two.
A few other titles of ours have recently sold out and slipped into OOP
status. Here's everything we've put out so far that is all sold out:
IAR02 Teenage Bottlerocket / Prototipes split (500 clear, 500 black)
IAR03 The Copyrights Nowhere Near Chicago (100 white, 100 red, 300
IAR04 Kitty & The Manges Joey's Song (600 multi-color)
IAR08 The Apers / Sonic Dolls split (500 purple)
IAR09 The Copyrights / Zatopeks Handclaps & Bottlecaps (250 orange,
250 green)
And here's a list of records we have less than 20 copies of before they are
sold out:
IAR05 The Varsity Weirdos Fly Me Up To The Moon (500 clear)
IAR06 The Popsters The Scene (500 blue)
IAR07 Zatopeks Smile Or Move (500 gold)
IAR10 The Badamps Two Face (500 black)
IAR11 Retarded Gambling On Rock (200 grey, 200 red, 200 purple, 200
IAR12 The Copyrights Mutiny Pop (500 clear w/ orange & black
IAR13 The Manges Go Down (500 black)
IAR14 The Popsters Two Minutes (500 black)
IAR17 Dear Landlord / Chinese Telephones split (500 violet, 500 black)
IAR22 Chinese Telephones s/t (200 clear, 300 black)
Some of these titles will more than likely be repressed, but not many of
them. If you're still holding off, don't wait any longer!
Two new records coming this month! The Peawees Walking the Walk 12"
vinly LP and The Steinways Unoriginal Recipe 7". More news on these
coming soon!